Like the first scissor cut on a fresh piece of construction paper, so begins the new home of LCRM.
Here, I should be able to keep things tagged better. I'll add a place to click labels eventually... Also, up top, you'll notice some tabs. The calendar link will show various goings-on around the county. If there is something you'd like to see added, just let me know. Beside that, links to the Lunsford case history and timeline - a very basic, very confirmed version. I'll be adding to that as time allows as well.
Anonymous commenting is allowed. You do not have to give an email address or even a name. I'm searching for a way to allow you to contact me privately and anonymously, but that may take some time. Just know that I value your privacy as much as I do mine. (This follows my same logic as always - if you don't want me to talk about you, keep your nose clean and your ass out of trouble. If your mug shot is online, you're public property, buddy.)
On the right, you will notice a job board. This is powered by I have set it to show jobs close to Weston. Aside from that, I don't have any control over it. If you'd like, I can add a job page where locals can submit jobs for me to post.
On the left, eventually, will be Google AdSense. Yes, they're ads. No, you don't have to click them. They're off to the side so they aren't a big pain your butt, but maybe someone will see something interesting and go chase it down.
Below, you'll see the privacy policy. Same old story. I value my privacy. I value your privacy. Don't go to jail and get your mugshot on the internet. K?
For now, I'm off to bed. I hope to start editing current content and adding some new stuff tomorrow or Saturday. Since I do have a real life (and don't get paid for this one), I have to do things when I have time. I hope you'll all bear with me and together, we'll make this the best damn treehouse on the internet.
I wish we had a Mon County Rumor Mill. We may already have one but I've not run across it yet. Keep up the good work. I admire the way you've been running this board and the Facebook page and the Aliaha page, I know I misspelled it, sorry.